Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cohesive Fragments

We began this drawing exercise by cutting photocopied images of historical art objects and silversmithing pieces, into 20 x 20mm squares.
These were then selected and arranged into a new configuration, combining elements of both photocopied objects. These were then glued to the page.

On a New page, we then ruled up 40 x 40mm squares in the same configuration as our chosen photocopied elements.

Next we set about recreating the elements, as faithfully as possible, as seen in the collage arrangement, further editing as we went along. We used common office materials such as ball-point-pen, masking tape and highlighters in the creation of these collage drawings.

What emerged proved to be organic, sculptural, unique and surprising images, with three dimensional elements, both actual and implied.

The images often had no clear orientation to either the vertical or horizontal.

This image depicts the drawing at the half-way point to completion. As you can see the sections are still distinct from each other, prior to the blending seen in the final cohesive collage drawing.

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